# Plugins

vue-photo-zoom-pro provide plugins to support special features.

# ImgPlugin

Preview and zoom image using img.

import { ImgZoomer, ImgPreview } from 'vue-photo-zoom-pro'

export default {
  components: {

or cdn

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  components: {
    ImgPreview: VuePhotoZoomPro.ImgPreview,
    ImgZoomer: VuePhotoZoomPro.ImgZoomer,
    <img-preview :url="imgUrl"></img-preview>
    <template slot="zoomer">
      <img-zoomer :url="imgHighUrl"></img-zoomer>
    same as <vue-photo-zoom-pro :url="imgUrl" :high-url="imgHighUrl">

# Canvas

Preview and zoom image using canvas, this support rotate image.

import { CanvasZoomer, CanvasPreview } from 'vue-photo-zoom-pro'

export default {
  components: {

or cdn

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  components: {
    CanvasPreview: VuePhotoZoomPro.CanvasPreview,
    CanvasZoomer: VuePhotoZoomPro.CanvasZoomer,
    <canvas-preview :url="imgUrl" width="960" height="480"></canvas-preview>
    <template slot="zoomer">
      <canvas-zoomer :url="imgHighUrl" width="960" height="480"></canvas-zoomer>

# canvasPreview props

Prop Name Type Default Note
url String '' img url
width Number Img width canvas width
height Number Img height canvas height
rotate Number 0 Rotation Angle

# canvasZoomer props

Prop Name Type Default Note
url String '' High img url
width Number Img width Canvas width
height Number Img height Canvas height
rotate Number 0 Rotation Angle